
Birthday Dinner!

 yesterday was our birthday... and it was a different one, for the fist time in 17 years we spend it apart. I was in culinary school all day and she was at university, so we met for dinner with our parents and Enid and our grandparents at Italiannis. this restaurant is so good, the food is just amazing! later in the week we will celebrate with our friends but yesterday it was so good to share as a family and celebrate God`s love for us.
we can`t believe we are 18, it sounds so grown up haha. we know this year brings so many challenges but at the same time we are so ready to all those new opportunities, new adventurous, new things, and especially we are so looking forward for what the Lord will do in each one of us this year. we are so thankful to share life together and have one another, there is no such thing as sharing your birthday with your best friend! here`s to being 18

 xoxo a+a


Family friday

a week ago we had a rough week so it was so good to share as a family on friday night!
Anna was the whole week at the city with our grandparents and she came home on friday for the weekend.
we went out to eat dinner and talk. it was nice to have a family time, sense we had been so busy and we barely have had time for each other.

"We love our family and we are so thankful"

// we want to give a big thanks to our parents for always encouraging us, for supporting us,
 for always giving us so much love.
Christ is in their lives and it reflects on everything they do.
Their love for each other is evident, the true love, the real one, thay one that only comes
from our heavenly father flows out of them.
They are our inspiration, and we are thankful for having them by our side//



Psalm 59:16-17

“But as for me, I will sing about your power. Each morning I will sing with joy about your unfailing love.

For you have been my refuge,
a place of safety when I am in distress.
O my Strength, to you I sing praises,
for you, O God, are my refuge,
the God who shows me unfailing love.” (Psalm 59:16-17